The Future of Our Built Environment

According to the Center for Built Environment Research in the School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering at Queen’s University Belfast: “Modern built environment research combines innovations in materials, interaction of people with the built environment, meeting social needs of housing, simulation studies for energy efficiency in the built environment, and the use of space, […]

Off to a Silly Start

This morning a coworker linked me to a description of a new PhD to be offered by RIT. Sadly, the topic and title for this new PhD is “Sustainability.” Linguists and Philosophers involved in the field of ecologically conscious design at all levels understand the problem with using the word sustainable to define solutions. The […]

A Flowering Industry of “Green”

I stumbled upon an interesting commentary today. It was published yesterday at by the San Francisco Chronicle. Leading with “Flush with money and determined to save the world, the green-tech industry stands in full flower of its giddy youth.” The reporters proceed to deliver a briefing of their interview with Vinod Khosla, one of […]

Turning Twenty-Two

I snapped this photograph with my mobile while walking to work the morning of my 22nd birthday. I love the effect of the cherry blossoms when they fall. The way they cover the ground reminds me of snow. And the green shoots are the first blossoms of the new Spring. When I walked through this […]