Who I am

My name is Patrick T. Hoffman and I am a Product Manager at Google. When not at work, I coach others about how to get into product and design roles or become better Product leaders when they have been in the field for a few years.
I care about my customers, their needs and their experiences.I love to create value for my customers and capture value for my companies. I do this by delivering best-in-class products and developing high functioning teams. My teams and the products we ship provide our customers with great experiences. We do this by understanding and anticipating their needs and finding ways to serve them. These great experiences are how I build a customer base for my companies.
I love to spin up new enterprises. I’ve done this for mobility as a service and workforce transformation. When I’m not working on a new product, I like to explore the world with my friends and my family. I do this to become a better human, climber, cyclist, and photographer.

Current employer

  • Google

Past ventures

Education and experience